Officers in attendance:

  • Baron – Dunstan Stonehill
  • Baroness – Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes
  • Seneschal – Jenefer de Winter
  • Depuyt Senchal – Thorgrimr Kraka
  • Exchequer -Ceridywn ferch Rhys ap Michael
  • Chronicler – Genefe Wölfelin
  • Knights Marshal – James of Carinthia
  • Minister of Arts & Science – Arielle de Pontoise
  • Deputy MoAS – Rita Die Perle Von Der Wetterau
  • Webminister – Richard Wymarc
  • Deputy Webminister – Gaius Marius Valerius

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm

From their Excellencies:

Hello from Their Excellencies!  We went to KASF and that was wonderful.  It was a very fun day.  The Poetry Smackdown was a success.  Hooray for Master Hagar who will be running the Poetry Smackdown next year!  Her Excellency also had the chance to give her input in the new position of Kingdom Scientist. Stierbach was well-represented!

Thank you so much for teaching an autocrat class this past week Lady Jenefer. You is a great resource for all things autocrat-ing.

Curia updates:  There is now a Yew Bow Treaty.  This level of achievement will now be recognized across Kingdom boundaries.  We now have a society level officer opening for a DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging) officer.  We also have an opening at the Kingdom level!  If you are interested in this position – keep an eye out for those announcements on the Kingdom Facebook page AND in our Kingdom newsletter.

Officer Reports:

Seneschal: Lady Jenefer is officially our new Seneschal!  Going forward, she wants to make sure that we have an open line of communication with Baronial officers and our populace.  Please feel free to reach out to her with any concerns through the Seneschal email listed on our website.

Officers:  Make sure you are up to date with your first quarter reports!

QuarterMaster:  No new updates BUT if anyone needs anything before Defending the Gate, this weekend is the time to get it.  Please co-ordinate with Magnus if you have any needs.

Exchequer: Monthly update will be coming!  

Chatelaine: Vacant

Knights Marshall:  James is looking for a replacement!  

Minister of the list: No report.

MOAS: We had a great ZOOM meeting this past week for Lady Jenefer’s class.  Our next meeting will be at the church with Her Excellency.  We are up to date with all kingdom reports!  

Lady Arielle will also be heading out on her own vacation soon!

Just a reminder the in person classes are generally held at Bethel Lutheran Church (room B7) 8712 Plantation Ln, Manassas, VA 20110.

New Herald: We are up to date with everything for Kingdom.  Nothing new to report!

Chronicler:  The blog has been updated this month!  The backlog was sent to Kingdom Chronicler (which has switched over to a new person).  Genefe will continue to follow up with Kingdom! Please send Genefe content for the blog (  

WebMinister:  Nothing new to report.  The website is still up and running!  This month’s newsletter will be compiled over this next week.  Master Richard will also get rolling on an “Officers Only” email group.

Old Business:

We had thought to review bids for Baronial Birthday but we would like to wait an additional month for anyone who would like to submit a bid for the event.

New Business:

A motion was put forward by Mistress Genefe to purchase 18 white table clothes as baronial property in an amount not to exceed $150.  A vote was held of all paid members present.  12 members in favor and no one opposed.  The motion carries.

Lady Katherine had some ideas for updating the Pennsic encampment.  These include replacing one of the water heaters, the power for the lights, a 10×20 pop-up for the kitchen and pantry as well as mud abatement (outdoor mats/ roll up wood walkways).  A motion was put forward for $1200 to cover the cost of these supplies and materials. 12 members in favor and no one opposed.  The motion carries. 

Closing thoughts from our Seneschall:

We are looking for an event steward for Baronial Birthday.  We are accepting bids at the APRIL business meeting.  We are also looking for an autocrat for Holiday Faire next November.  Our new Seneschal Lady Jenefer is an excellent resource for anyone who would like to learn more about autocrating. We will also accept bids for Holiday Faire in April as well!

Closing Remarks from their Excellencies

From His Excellency:  Defending the Gate is coming up March 29th!  We are desperately looking for volunteers for this event including help with directing parking, people to help with troll, people to help with set-up, and people to help with tear down.  All hands on deck Stierbach!  Set-up is planned for Friday 3/28 starting from 3-7pm.

We will have at least two different Bardic circles, archery, thrown weapons, and a bunch of other things.  Please help!  Send a message to Baron Dunstan if that is you!!!

Thanks for being the BEST BARONY EVER!  We are looking forward to the beginning of the Spring Event season!  Right after Defending the Gate will be Coronation and a new Crown Tourney.  Their Excellencies advise you to hold on to your hats.

PLEASE SUBMIT REWARD RECOMMENDATIONS! We accept emails, messages, and award recommendations through the esp.  The esp is really the best way to get us info but we will take what we can get!  We can also take your recommendations for KINGDOM LEVEL AWARDS.  Send us stuff and tell us all the great things that are going on!  Thank you to those who are sending us messages 🙂

Meeting adjourned at 7:57 pm