Meetings, Practices, and Workshops


Baronial Business Meeting:
Meets: Second Tuesday of the month. Starts at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Online
Contact the for more information.
ALL Are Welcome!
Newcomers Meetings:
New to the Barony? We have some meetings and activities to help introduce you to the SCA.
Contact for more information.


Upcoming A&S Classes

19 September: A&S Class: Painting Parasols II
Parasol comes from the Latin “para-“, to shield or protect, and “sol” which means “sun.” The parasol is generally smaller than the umbrella in size and considered meant to protect skin from the sun.
The activity will be held on September 19, 2024, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at
Bethel Lutheran Church (room B7)
8712 Plantation Ln, Manassas, VA 20110

3 October: A&S ZOOM Class: Making Goat Cheese
(by Lady Vincetta De of Greyhold, Kingdom of the Outland)
The activity will be held on October 03, 2024, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

23 October: A&S Class: Burgundian dress making.
(by Rignach Argyll) European fashion north of the Alps was dominated by the glittering court of the Duchy of Burgundy, especially under the fashion-conscious power-broker Philip the Good (ruled 1419–1469). Having added Holland and Flanders to their dominion, the Dukes of Burgundy had access to the latest fabrics of Italy and the East and to English wool exports through the great trading cities of Bruges and Antwerp.
Burgundian dress is a type of loose court outer gown with fitted sleeves which overlap the palms of a wearer.
The activity will be held on October 24, 2024, from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at
Bethel Lutheran Church (room B7)
8712 Plantation Ln, Manassas, VA 20110
November and December:


Baronial fighter Practice:
Meets: Every Wednesday, weather allowing, 6:30-9:00
Location: 26 Richland Rd. Fredericksburg, VA, 22406
Please contact for more information on heavy weapons and fencing practices.
Fencing Practice:
Meets: Every Tuesday and Thursday, 8-10 pm
Now that school is back in session, the rapier practice held in Fredericksburg will be moving back to the auxiliary gym at the University of Mary Washington. Starting on September 3, we will be meeting from 8-10 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I know it’s quite late for many people, but we would love to see you there!
As always, no experience is required to attend! We love teaching newcomers and there is plenty of loaner equipment.
Stierbach Equestrian Practice Schedule
The 2024 dates are: 3/17, 5/19, 7/14, 9/22 and 11/03
Location: 4603 James Madison Hwy, Haymarket, VA 20169
Brief Description:
Join us at James Long park in Haymarket VA for our first Northern Cavalry Practice! Set up from 10am to 11 am, and riding and/or driving from 11am to about 1pm. After we pack up the equipment, we’ll share snacks and fellowship from 1pm to 2pm.
Archery Practice – Grimmsfield
Suspended Until Spring