Are you ready for some SCA football?
Join Tegan of Anglesey and the Barony of Stierbach once again for a Winter Armored Melee Practice at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds. This is the same site as 2024 Holiday Faire. We have the “merchant” barn for an INDOOR, HEATED armored melee practice.
We also have room for FENCING and ARTS & SCIENCES, so bring your friends!
We only have limited time at the site so it’s a tight schedule:
10am – Site opens and warm-ups
11am – Planned melees and other activities (fencing, A&S, etc.).
2pmish – Wind down
3pm – Off site
6:30pm – Super-bowl!
Bring what you would bring to your regular practice (hydration, snacks, chairs, etc.). Bring multiple weapons forms and related equipment (gauntlets, elbows, etc.). Bring your EZ passes and your serenity for I-95.
Unfortunately, no combat archery in the structure.
Fighters must have a blue card or sign the waiver. Paperwork will be available.
We’re looking for a couple of marshals to corral fighters and serve as timekeepers. If you have capacity for that, please reach out to Tegan of Anglesey.
Site rules:
No pets
No weapons
No alcohol
Make your way to business Rt. 17. Take George Coghill Street from Rt. 17. Enter Fairgrounds at Gate #2. We are in the JE Rowell building.
Stay tuned for updates on nearby hotels, dining options, etc.
See you at the pregame!