Apologies for the delay!
Officers in attendance:
- Baron – Dunstan Stonehill
- Baroness – Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes
- Deputy Seneschal – Jenefer de Winter
- Exchequer -Gökhan ibn Saruhkan
- Chronicler – Genefe Wölfelin
- Knights Marshal – James of Carinthia
- Minister of Arts & Science – Arielle de Pontoise
- Deputy MoAS – Rita Die Perle Von Der Wetterau
- Webminister – Richard Wymarc
- Deputy Webminister – Gaius Marius Valerius
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 Pm
From their Excellencies:
We had an event this last month that was wildly successful. Thank you to everyone who made Holiday Faire such a fun day. Her Highness wanted to pass on to the autocrats what a wonderful event we had and how much she enjoyed herself. Her Excellency reiterates that it was an awesome event.
Populace Questions and Notes
Tegan of Anglesey is back! Tegan proposes a date of January 18th for the practice that we will be funding at the FairGrounds. The backup date is February 8th (which is not ideal). She is asking for a local member to meet with the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds to lock in the date with the site.
Tegan will be contacting the site to make sure the date is available and Thorgrimr will sign a contract.
The benefits of this site include having the indoor space in the winter as well as a central location in Northern Virginia. The site also has more than enough space for a lot of activities. If you are interested in hosting something at this site, reach out to Tegan of Anglesey.
His Grace Logan brought up the discussions happening online about how to deal with issues with Baronial officers. He asked the Seneschal to talk about the process that members go through when they have issues with local officers. Throgrimr responded that any Baronial Officer is beholden to their respective Great Officer. Issues/complaints/shortcomings should be sent to the Kingdom level officers.
Lady Jenefer put out the call for Autocrats for Baronial Birthday and Holiday Faire. You have support but we need people to step up!
Officer Reports:
Seneschal: We just had UnEvent. Our Seneschal will be stepping down in March as his warrant will be up. Not much came out of UnEvent Seneschal meetings other than the fact that anyone who autocrats is able to get a list of members who are banned/R&D/etc. From our Kingdom Seneschal. Any official event can bar these people from attending.
Traditionally the process for replacing our Seneschal is to contact their Excellencies. Our new Seneschal will be chosen at Their Excellencies discretion. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Their Excellencies. This process is different Barony by Barony.
Our Deputy Seneschal Lady Jenefer reminded us of the following for Autocrats:
Every event needs to have a point of contact. The autocrat needs to submit a deputy seneschal form in order to have the authority to be the point of contact. Autocrats also need to be mindful to recognize all the activities they have at an event. Each activity should be recognized! In addition, NMR reports needs to be turned in within FIVE days of an event taking place. The Kingdom Exchequer is beginning to crack down on this! Event flyers need to be filled out to completion as soon as possible *including the cost of attending the event*. If your site is requiring insurance, you can email our Kingdom Seneschal for general statements of insurance. Anything more specific needs to be done through corporate with at least 30 days before the event.
When filing a background check with the Kingdom, information should only be shared with the people doing your background check.
QuarterMaster: No report.
From UnEvent – we cannot comp non-members gate fees. The Kingdom is also looking at moving from SCORES to PayPal. The current set-up through PayPal is pretty labor intensive, but the Kingdom is thinking it might be useful for smaller events. We will dive deeper into this at our next meeting with some more info from our Exchequer.
From last month, the Silent Auction profits were put into the general fund. Holiday Faire has turned out to be a pretty big success.
A proposed Baronial budget for next year was presented by the Exchequer.
There was some discussion about the St. Anne’s funds and what to do with them. His Grace Logan also questioned what a “camping fund” is. Our Seneschal responded that these monies are how we fund camp infrastructure. The purpose of each fund is outlined in our Financial Policy which can be found on our website.
Next month will be Gokhan’s last month as Exchequer. Thank you for your service and your presence will be missed.
Chatelaine: Vacant position.
Knights Marshall: No report.
Minister of the list: No report.
From UnEvent – MOAS should be providing documentation to support our classification as a 503b. Please be providing receipts! Also – use your officer account emails!
Our in person class on December 19th will be a potluck with a firepit from 7-9 pm. This event will be in garb 🙂 Dress for the weather.
Just a reminder the in person classes are generally held at Bethel Lutheran Church (room B7) 8712 Plantation Ln, Manassas, VA 20110.
New Herald: From UnEvent – Heralds now have staves of Office. The program for accepting PayPal for herald fees is now live. Any herald can use it to submit.
The consult table at Holiday Faire was a great success. Six people submitted heraldry at our event.
Chronicler: We are submitting the required information to kingdom. Thank you to Lord Norbert for sending some Equestrian content. Please send Genefe content for the blog (mpruitt085@gmail.com).
WebMinister: From UnEvent – the kingdom webminister wants anyone who has access to edit our website to be a deputy webminister. This is mainly for accountability. The SCA is still struggling to come up with an “AI” policy. RIght now, we are not posting any AI generated pictures or content on our website.
Closing Remarks from their Excellencies
Thank you again to everyone who made Holiday Faire possible. So many people remarked on how well the event went and the variety of activities available. We are so PROUD to host this event that so many people want to go to!
We will be attending Twelfth Night and would love to do that with you! It would be wonderful to have a Stierbach contingent in Roman garb for this event. Let us know if you will be attending!
From UnEvent – Officer burnout seems to be a common theme throughout the baronies of Atlantia. It was so amazing that we have such multi-talented people, but you also need to take care of yourself. Reach out to Their Excellencies if you need a break – or need some help!
If you know somebody who plays around the edges but has potential, tell them. Encourage them to reach out to Their Excellencies to fill a deputy position or consider a potential officer.
PLEASE SUBMIT REWARD RECOMMENDATIONS! We accept emails, messages, and award recommendations through the esp. The esp is really the best way to get us info but we will take what we can get! Send us stuff and tell us all the great things that are going on! Thank you to those who are sending us messages 🙂