Officers in attendance:

  • Baron – Dunstan Stonehill
  • Baroness – Cynthia Anne of Silver Lakes
  • Deputy Seneschal – Jenefer de Winter
  • Exchequer -Gökhan ibn Saruhkan
  • Chronicler – Genefe Wölfelin
  • Knights Marshal – James of Carinthia
  • Minister of Arts & Science – Arielle de Pontoise
  • Deputy MoAS – Rita Die Perle Von Der Wetterau
  • Webminister – Richard Wymarc
  • Deputy Webminister – Gaius Marius Valerius

The meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm by our Deputy Seneschal.

From their Excellencies:

It has been a very busy month since the last meeting.  WoW was an amazing event!  The Canton of Sudentorre also did a demo at Adventure Brewing.  It was well-attended with a good amount of people.  We also went to Crown Tourney – we have new heirs!  Her Highness will be visiting us at Holiday Faire.  Our own Sir Roussel made a great showing at Crown Tourney!

Populace Questions and Notes

Officer Reports:

Seneschal: Holiday Faire will be on Saturday.  We can use all the help we can get on Friday afternoon and breakdown on Saturday – we need it!  

We are still in search of a Chatelaine for the Barony.  This is a very important position and a great way to meet new people.

Unevent is almost upon us.  It will be held on December 7th.  Mark your calendars.  This event will be a virtual event.  Keep a look out for links and schedules.

QuarterMaster:  No report.

Exchequer:   No changes in our accounts. The final totals for Baronial Birthday are in.  We made just over $800.00 from this event.  We are planning for Holiday Faire and starting the budget process for next year. If you have any items for next year’s budget – contact the Exchequer.

Chatelaine: Vacant position.

Knights Marshall: SOAP is happening tomorrow 🙂  The weather should be lovely.

Minister of the list: No report. 


We will be offering classes at Holiday Faire.  See our event website for more details. 

Don’t forget the Tassel Competition in the afternoon.  These items will become largesse for Their Excellencies. 

November classes included an interesting Zoom class on the “Saints of the SCA”.  Thank you Sir William.  We will also have a woodburning class on November 21st from 7-9 pm. Some materials and tools will be available.

Our December Zoom class will be on autocrating events with Lady Jenefyr de Winter.  Our in person class on December 19th will be a potluck with a firepit from 7-9 pm.

Just a reminder the in person classes are generally held at Bethel Lutheran Church (room B7) 8712 Plantation Ln, Manassas, VA 20110.

New Herald:  Lady Katherine is excited to have a consult table at Holiday Faire.  Many heralds will be available to help you research a name and/or heraldry!  

There will also be a consult table at Ponte Alto’s event the following weekend 🙂

Chronicler: We are submitting the required information to kingdom!  Please send Genefe content for the blog (

WebMinister:  The website is running smoothly.  Master Richard’s warrant is renewed for another year. 

Event Updates:  

Holiday Faire updates – 

Please come help set up on Friday and break down on Saturday.  We really need your help.  Please also bring a tablecloth (or tablecloths) if you can. 

How will we use the proceeds from the Silent Auction?

Lady Katherine suggested putting the proceeds towards our Camp fund. 

Mistress Ceridwyn suggested putting the proceeds into our general fund to be allocated at a later date. This motion was seconded.

A vote was taken on the motion. 7 members were in favor. No one was against it.  The motion passed.

Master Richard is also in need of volunteers to help set-up the Silent Auction on Friday and take money on Saturday before court. 

New Business:

Tegan of Anglesey (from Ponte Alto) hosted a melee practice at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds last January.  It was a great success.  Is the Barony willing to host another practice this year?  The cost is $750.00 for five hours. This year’s date will be January or February. 

There was a bunch of discussion including offering part of the space to rapier and the equestrian community to make the best use of the space. 

Thomas put forth a motion to approve up to $800 to sponsor a Joint Fighter Practice in Jan/Feb at the Fredericksburg Fairgrounds. The motion was seconded by Genefe. A vote was taken.  7 members were for and 0 members were against.  The motion passed.

Closing Remarks from their Excellencies

Hi again!  Looking forward to seeing you all at Holiday Faire.  Enjoy a little break for the Holiday season.  We will be back at events in January!  

The theme for Twelfth Night this year is a Roman Feast.  Her Excellency would be delighted to host a work day based on the class she taught before Baronial Birthday.  Please contact her if you are interested. 

We are also really looking for scribes at the Baronial level.  If you are interested in getting involved or if you are looking to get involved again – please contact Her Excellency! 

PLEASE SUBMIT REWARD RECOMMENDATIONS! We accept emails, messages, and award recommendations through the esp.  The esp is really the best way to get us info but we will take what we can get!  Send us stuff and tell us all the great things that are going on!  Thank you to those who are sending us messages 🙂

The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.