Greetings Medieval Readers,
Holiday Faire has come and gone. It was a wonderful day made possible by many members of our community including an amazing team of autocrats. Her Excellency Stierbach summed the day up best:

“Yesterday’s Holiday Faire was a fantastic day! Over 400 people braved the traffic to enjoy Stierbach’s event!
Thank you, Mistress Esperanza and Master Mors, for running the archery tournament, Sir Roussel for running the heavy fighting tournament, Lord Ulfarr for the rapier tournaments, and Lady Arielle for the equestrian tournament and activities.
A phenomenal lunch was provided by Her Excellency Graciela and her crew! In addition, delightful classes and display were organized by Lady Rita, a successful silent auction run by Master Richard – thank you for making these things happen!
Her Highness Anya Shchulepnikov graced us with her lovely company, and cheered on our Atlantian fighters, archers, and equestrians – thank you for being part of Stierbach’s event!
His Excellency and I especially enjoyed taking a ride down to the archery field on the horse-drawn cart to award Lady Morag a well-earned Silver Bow… Thank you, Lady Arielle for making this happen…and please give Bingo some extra treats on our behalf!
We had so much fun keeping company with Mistress Signy Biarnardottir, Noble Saeunn, Baroness Rignach and the Reclusive Monks of Dragonstone Downs, and Noble Charlie, Merlin, and Josh: thank you all for your wonderful and kind retaining skills!
We also rescued our child from His Excellency Hakon, and exchanged them for a box of dirt….but this is not over yet…we still claim the Mountain Run Winery as our lands, and are confident that His Excellency Dunstan will prevail in the coming rapier duel! (…and thank you, Your Excellencies Lochmere, Noble Saeunn, Sir Ragnar Ribcracker, and Sir Roussel Taviernier, for your part in court shananigations! )
Vivat to Master Kryss, Dame Dealla, Noble Unegiin
Baroness Rignach, and Master Celestria, for your well-earned awards – and for the amazing work that you have done and do, to earn them!
Thank you, as well, to the many, many gentles who helped to set up, run, and take down this event – with many moving parts, it is not possible to have such a fun day without the selfless work of so many of you!
Thank you especially and congratulations, to Her Excellency Genefe, Lady Runa, and Lady Jenefer for organizing such a wonderful, fun, and highly successful event! “
Her Excellency said everything there is to say, but more eloquently than I would have!
The Autocrat team wishes to thank everyone who made Holiday Faire such a wonderful day for so many people! Thank you to everyone who came to set up or break down especially you Dan – you are amazing event if you give me a different name everytime I see you!
Extra special thanks to Their Excellencies Stierbach for trusting us to run what is basically three events at the same time! Your help and support mean the world to us.
This event doesn’t run unless everyone pitches in!
See some wonderful photos from our own Lord Thomas here: