Welcome back medieval readers! Read on for the latest news and stories of Stierbachers at Pennsic 51.

Their Excellencies reported that several Stierbachers were recognized at a Baronial Court.
“Here are some of our many amazing Stierbachians, who were recognized at Pennsic at our Baronial Court for their achievements in our Barony:
Jackie earned a Silver Glove for her skills in rapier, and was given a scroll made by Mistress Esperanza Susanna Flecha. Etan was recognized for his artistic contributions with a Silver Compass, and received a scroll made by their Excellencies Wulff and Genefe.
Both Zebulon and Doug, Jr. became members of the Order of St. Roch for their wonderful contributions of service to Stierbach, and were given scrolls that were calligraphed by Noble Elliot Knell. Lady Judith of Massan was recognized for her tireless service, and for the teaching of Astronomy that she does – formally and informally. She received a medallion, and will be getting a scroll made by me.
And we managed to surprise our fantastic herald, Lady Katharine Ravenshill, with a scroll made by Elliot Knell, recognizing her equestrian accomplishments.
Vivat to our accomplished Stierbachians, and the scribes who help them know that they are seen and appreciated!”

Their Majesties also saw it right and fitting to recognize the accomplishments of members of our Barony at kingdom court. Here at home, we hear that Mistress Helena Hrolfsdottir was elevated to the order of the Laurel for her research and work with European Dance. We have also heard that Master Celestria was made a Master of Defense at the same court. Vivat to the new and worthy peers of Atlantia!
And finally we wish to report that His Excellency Stierbach made a bold declaration in the face of frequent storms this Pennsic. Baron Dunstan proclaimed:
“In defiance of the weather, I have declared today to be Jaunty Feather day. Wear your most outlandish and over the top headgear and tell the weather what we really think of it!”
Henceforth and forever more will August 7th be known as Jaunty Feather Day.